Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Secret of Life

A man who has any kind of greed in his mind, it is not possible to have any relation with God, what the meaning of greed is, that what I am in should not be satiety, something else, whether it be wealth, fame or God himself. Be it, as long as there is any kind of greed in the mind, there will be tension inside the mind that will make you go away from the joy and not joy, then there is disturbance and where there is disturbance you cannot get to God because God is not far from you.

A restless mind can never attain God because when it is disturbed, it will start to move here and there, it will seek God outside, and if it is searching, it has to be broken for him who is away from you, if he is inside himself, and then he will fight for it. 
Secret of life

So there are some such things which have to be broken to get, like to get fame, if you want to achieve fame then you have to find solutions, even if you want to get wealth, you have to divide.

 But the divine is not far away, there is not even an inch of distance, he is hiding in a very deep rhythm in us where we are standing, we are the divine, we are the one who, if he seeks him out, he will get away and not be lost. If you search for it, more problems will arise.

We have all stood where we do not need to go anywhere but our mind understands the same language and that is the language of searching and whose mind is always searching and searching is called householder and householder Makes no sense

And he who gives up the language of winning, and says that all is found, all is found, he is satisfied in the true sense, he is a monk, otherwise, only the clothes have been changed. But the mind still has to find something, it is the householder who is in tune to find something

to get what we say to God or whatever, we must understand that they do not have to know to get it, understand this difference, it is impossible to get them because it is within us and we can only know within ourselves.

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Anil Kr ( kuch pal aapke sath)